Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Eating Crow, Back to Bite Me, Yummy Humble Pie. . . .

Yep, that about sums it up. . . . I did not "Go Green" in 2010, I definitely did not keep the blog updated, and so on. . . . Sorry folks!

But here we are, me apologizing for not keeping those promises, that I actually made to ME! No excuses, just a healthy helping of crow and humble pie while those words come back to bite me!

So starting fresh. . . . 2011 is 1/12 over! Yikes. I feel like I just got Holiday cards out and boom, time for the children to do Valentines. Where does the time go?

Here is what we will do with it in 2011. . . and maybe I will get photos up on this blog one of these days (no promises)!

-C playing basketball again, still brutal
-M about to start soccer up again, she loves it
-Matt-O broke his wrist in January (just after turning the big 4-0)and will be on "light duty" for the next few months
-C will play on 2 baseball teams this Spring
-M will do her running club again, training for the Spring 5K
- Deb decided to do some job hunting this year. . . . stay tuned
-Both children maintain their straight A's, good thing they get their smarts from their father

So that should keep us busy and out of trouble this year! Hope all is well with you and yours. . . much loved!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter - Spring - Passover!

Wow, it certainly feels like Spring in Neptune Beach today!! Perfect convertible, baseball, soccer, and cold beer weather! We have had an extra long winter and these signs of Spring are just what has been keeping us busy!

Best wishes to you and yours during the Spring Season.

Love to All!
Debbie, Matt, Madeline, and Cameron

PS- Thanks for humoring my resolution to "Go Green" by visiting our blog. Feel free to print our Easter photo card. . . as we will not be mailing them this year.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Overheard. . . .

If you have children in your home, everyday life, etc. then you know that if you stop and listen long enough, these little people come up with some pretty good stuff as they are saying whatever is on their minds. . . . C seems to have no censor on his pie-hole, so he usually gets the story told about him. . .but every once in awhile, our M will toss out a real witty zinger. It became such habit at my old job to share a daily story about what C (and sometimes M) had said or done in the last day, that we even thought about dedicating an entire blog to it. We have had some doozies over the years. . . . I am sure you can imagine! If not, see these two examples and let me know what you think. Happy Tuesday!

1) The other morning I overheard Matt telling Tucker, our French Bulldog, not to jump up on him (he was in his work clothes) and then Cameron says, "Dad, he cannot understand you - he speaks French!" (of course this was in the most condescending tone a 7 year old could muster, short of saying "Duh!!!")

2) The inevitable happened today. When I told Madeline and Cameron that we were going to the UF/FSU baseball game, Cameron said "Yes, but I have to make a Gator sign after school!" (he said this while doing the Gator chomp with his arms) I said "Cam, what about the Dawgs; Auburn?" His response, "But Mommmmmm, that is where I am going to college." And Madeline said, "Don't worry Mom, I am going to Harvard. I am Switzerland." Guess we have to move now. . .

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Stalled Resolution. . . .

Well, it appears I have stalled on my resolution to update the blog more frequently. In fact, I realized today that I have done anything with photos since November. Shriek! We can hardly believe it is March already!! Where has the time gone?

C (I am going to use the children's 1st initials going forward)finished up Winter Basketball recently. . . I think his team won one game. It was brutal. They sure did have a fun time playing, though. C running up and down, back and forth, and again. The perfect game for his energy level. Last Saturday was our first baseball game of the Spring Season. Not a good start. . . . I know there is a 2 week learning curve and it is all about having fun, but does not find losing very fun! He was grumpy the rest of the day! We are in the final stretch of 1st grade and his teach just had a baby, so she will be out for the remainder of the year. Boo Hoo. We have a great sub though.

M has started back to soccer and has her first TWO games this Saturday, she is so excited! She also started back Girls on the Run, which was awesome in the Fall. M ran a 5K in December almost effortlessly! Crap, the girl will now be able to out run me! M is still doing fantastic in school and in fact has her first day of FCAT testing today, EVER. She is SO nervous. Her teacher told me this morning that M had asked her what would happen if she threw up during the test. What? A 9 year old nervous like that already? What to do? And the funny thing is, she is going to do AWESOME!

Spring Break is around the corner. . . yeah! Also, my sister's and I are going to Amelia Island to celebrate A's 40th birthday! Girls Weekend, whoo hoo!! I am also getting psyched about my trip to Bali to R. It will be long, long, travel days but 2 weeks in paradise, need I say more???? I am sending in my VISA application today. Yeah!!

All this fun and Matt is busy working, working, and more work! Hopefully, he can take some time off for Spring Break and we can have some fun!!!

Hoping to post pics soon and get you all caught up!

Love to All,

Monday, February 1, 2010

February?? Already???

Oh my, how time flies! Valentine's Day is just around the corner and I feel like I still have Christmas stuff to put in storage! We are back in full swing. . . .basketball, soccer, girl and cub scouts! Photos to come soon.

We hope everyone is having a great new year thus far!

Love to all!

Monday, January 4, 2010

And a Happy New Year to you!!!

We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! I can hardly believe it is 2010 already! I can remember back in 1991-ish, when they announced Atlanta would have the Olympics in 1996 and it seemed so crazy say 1996! The bonus being that I would have just turned 21 - whooo hoooo! And now, here we are 10 years into the new millennium.

It has been a good 10 years. Both my children were born in this decade and we are all healthy! I could not ask for anything more. You certainly cannot put a dollar amount on that. Looking forward, in the next decade. . . both children will get their driver's licenses, Madeline will graduate high school, and I will turn 40 years old!!!!! (not really that BIG of a deal tho. . . right?)

We rounded out 2009 with a plentiful Christmas. As most of you know, I was laid off in February 2009, BIG adjustment to the family income (in the negative, yikes). But with careful planning and focusing on togetherness this holiday season, we still had an amazing Christmas! I loved it when I asked the children this morning what their favorite presents were and got some suprprising answers . . .after Madeline named her laptop, the Wii, and Cameron said his TV. But in a close second, they said "We got some really cool books!" I LOVE IT!!! Matt and I worry about education frequently and what we can do to get them the best one possible and how we can augment the education they are receiving. And with children so happy to read, I am thankful! I know that will bode well for them in their futures. Matt granted my only Christmas wish with a ticket to visit my friend in Bali. That will be quite the adventure! And I was able to surprise Matt with tickets to the Outback Bowl to see his beloved Auburn Tigers beat Northwestern (barely, it was a nail biter).

And here we are, Day 4 of the New Year. The house is quiet (except for Tucker snoring on the couch) since the children are back in school and Matt is back to work. I plan to summit Mt. Laundry today and dig out the Christmas Graveyard that rests in my living room. I truly wish I could keep my tree up ALL year! OR . . .maybe I will just crawl back under my WARM covers and take the day OFF!!!

Happy New Year to you and yours.

With Love,

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Holiday Newsletter

Dear Family and Friends,

Wow, another Holiday Season is upon us and we cannot believe how fast 2009 has gone by. It has been another good year full of fun, excitement, achievement, and good health.

Cameron is in the First Grade this year and has already been awarded Student of the Month in November! He has a wonderful teacher and classmates. Cameron played flag football in the winter and is still negotiating playing tackle football one day (if Mommy will ever let him). His baseball team, the Sand Gnats, took the Championship this Spring in their age group. What fun we had out at the ball field. Cameron had such fun that he chose to play Fall baseball this year, but our little six year olds were now up against a pitching machine instead of the coach pitch. As the season progressed, so did the Indians. We are already looking forward to Spring baseball. In the meantime, Cameron has decided to add another sport to his playing card this Winter, basketball! Stay tuned for that report. Rounding out Cameron is a love of reading and art. He recently submitted a clay sculpture to the school art contest and was a winner!

Madeline is in the Third grade this year and has another amazing teacher. She is excelling in all areas, including being a “Tween” (in between a child and a teenager). She had her ears pierced for her 9th birthday and we can hardly believe how fast she is becoming a young lady. Madeline just finished her 5th year playing soccer and cannot wait for Spring to get here so she can play again! This year Madeline is playing Academy Soccer and will start participating in travelling to tournaments. Recently, Madeline completed her very first 5k run as part of Girls on the Run, kind of like a running club. They trained for 12 weeks and touched on all areas of life for a young girl. It was really a great experience and we hope she will participate again in the Spring. Madeline also submitted a beautiful drawing for the art contest at school and was awarded a ribbon too! Debbie and Madeline both continue to enjoy their time with their Brownie Troop.

Matt continues his work as Director of Contracts and Rebates for PSS/World Medical. It has been a challenging year, but we are thankful to be part of this great company.

As you know, Debbie was laid off in February. Since then she has enjoyed (most of the time) staying home with the children. They had a fun summer full of visits to the beach, water-park, travelling to see friends and family, and more!

We are looking forward to a great Christmas at home. As I write this, the children are using the karaoke machine Santa delivered a few years ago. We are definitely enjoying all the Santa moments. . . . .

As always, we are thankful for our wonderful family and friends. We look forward to hearing your news! Stay tuned to our blog in 2010 for all the Okenica news.

With Love,
Debbie, Matt, Madeline, and Cameron

**Photos on our holiday postcard are "The Best of 2009":

-Beach family photo by Kelli Carpenter
-Valentine photo of Madeline and Cameron by Kelli Carpenter
-Spring Break Cruise to the Bahamas
-May flowers photo of Madeline and Cameron by Kelli Carpenter
-Cameron at his baseball game by Phil Capialli
-Two excited children who have a new puppy, Tucker
-Cameron graduates Kindergarten
-Madeline gets her first scallop
-Cameron is ready to go scalloping
-Matt has Madeline ready for more waterskiing
-Cameron waterskiing
-Madeline and Cameron the first day of school
-Madeline and her student of the month poster at school
-Cameron's student of the month poster at school
-2 devils, a witch, and a USA soccer player for Halloween
-Family Thanksgiving at Lake Oconee